Wednesday 2 April 2014

20 Questions With… The Overlords!!!

Every fortnight I will be contacting a member of the 40K community and ask them to be subjected to my 20 nail bitting, edge of your seat questions. Some of the answers I get probe the deep dark recesses of the human condition whilst others will astonish you in their wisdom or lack thereof…

Jason Mullins
So it’s time for celebrities!!! I contacted the guys from the world famous The Overlords podcast (you can find it here or on ITunes, I recommend it highly) to get in on the act of my now growing “20 Questions With…” series. Who did I way lay you ask? Well none other than Jason Mullins and Stephen Burley (better known as Inquisitor Steve). So grab yourself a cup’a tea and delve into the world of the The Overlords.

Inquisitor Steve
1. What got you into the hobby?
Jason Mullins: My mom took me to a game store called Games and things when I was a kid. I saw the miniatures for 40k and fell in love. I actually stopped for years and picked up Fantasy in my teens, stopped again and picked up 40k after college. I have been going strong since.
Inquisitor Steve: Was a massive role playing and board game fan and regularly bought white dwarf. Not being able to afford a fantasy army 40k appealed to us all. Simple really, GWs advertising. 

2. Favourite army of all time? Do you currently pay it? If not why Not?
JM: Space Marines are my favourite and I like them in many different flavours. They are super epic and cool. I have to say as a kid I loved the Blood Angels but as I have gotten older I love the space wolves the most.
IS: Codex Inquisition. 25 years ago I used to fantasise about the cast of bay watch dropping by for a group bath, this bought back the same tingly feelings.  this coupled with 6th allows me to play the game exactly how I want and still be within the rules for those that don't feel comfortable going outside official GW stuff. 

3. Favourite 40k fluff and why?
JM: It would have to be the Horus Heresy. Its just too epic. I love Space Marines as I said and there are hundreds of thousands of them slugging it out.
IS: The inquisition. My podcast name is a bit of a giveaway. Above anything else they embody the dark grim Imperium of man.

4. Favourite 40K quote?
JM: OK listen up you primitive screw heads this is my boomstick .... or was that something else ?
IS: We'd better get back, 'cause it'll be dark soon, and they mostly come at night.....mostly. 

5. If you could invite any character from 40K fluff to dinner who would it be? And what would you serve him/her for dinner?
JM: It would have to be Russ and you would have to serve him Mjod and some sort of roasted on the bone meat. I mean, he’s Russ.
IS: Gregor Eisenhorn - diner would be a slow roasted witch

6. Favourite film?
JM: Big trouble in little china or The Thing it’s a tossup.
IS: Aliens

7. Favourite TV series?
JM: This one is a bit harder, I would have to say Red Dwarf and that is in contention. I just watched that more times than anything else.
IS: I agree with Jason that this is a toughie but I'd say Apparitions, seeing Martin Shaw still cool after the professionals casting out daemons rather satisfying.  Or Twin Peaks for the depth of character or Firefly for being an awesome original TV show. It's a dead tie.

8. If your life was a movie, who'd play you?
JM: Corry Feldman
IS: John Candy

9. Favourite comic book superhero?
JM: I might have to be the old Blue Beetle Ted Kord.
IS: I don't read those sort of comics so could I say Allanon from the Shannara novels?

10. If you could live in any period of human history when would it be and why?
JM: I would be partial to living in Medieval times, then I realize that its cold, there is no medicine and no flushing toilets and I am glad I live now.
IS: Exactly 7 months in the future from whenever I am now as I always tell myself that is how much painting I have left to do.

11. If you could use any 40k Universal Special Rules or Codex Special Rule in day to day life what would it be? Why?
JM: I want hammer of wrath so each time I arrive something explodes to announce me.
IS: Living in London it has to be ATSKNF [And They Shall Know No Fear], that way the maniacs on the roads would never be able to run me down. 

12. Biggest 40K regret?
JM: That I never started that Eldar army
IS: Selling anything I've painted. 

13. Strangest “food” you’ve eaten?
JM: Crickets
IS: I only partake in normal cuisine.

14. Fantasy job for a day?
JM: Billionaire
IS: Matt Ward. Then I could put right all his fuck ups......

15. Top 5 favourite songs?
Shadowplay – Joydivision
Sound system – Operation IV
Jawbreaker – Jinx Removing 
Suspect Device – Stiff Little fingers
Dark Entries – Bauhaus

Cross Road Blues: three versions Robert Johnson, Roy coder and Eric Clapton. (All awesome in their own way)
The night comes down – Queen
I'm That Guy – Def Lepper
Liar – Queen
The Beast in Me – Nick Lowe version

16. If $1million mysteriously turned up in your bank account, what would you spend it on?
JM: I think I could start a new GW army with that!
IS: Stick it to the man of course. I would start a trade account with GW and stock pile stuff and then sell exclusively to Australians for 1% below the minimum discount allowed.

17. If you were offered a place amongst the 1st humans to colonize Mars, would you accept it?
JM: As long as we could bring our armies and we had some 6X4 tables bring it on!
IS: I would as long as Jason was there too and they had 6x4 tables. 

18. If you could, what would be the one thing in the hobby you would get rid of?
JM: Paying for it :p
IS: Spam

19. Most Epic 40k moment?
JM: Mepheston and The Deceiver fighting it out over two scouts the last turn of the game which ended in a BA win!
IS: Back in rogue trader days I has a terminator cyclone charged by an Eldar with a power fist. Against all odds my mate got 5 wounds on me. With my 6+ invul I rolled the dice and got a Yahtzee. He ruled for the rest of the game. Funny story that night. We rolled a dice that landed and balanced on its side and when we flipped for first turn the coin landed on its edge. It was a weird, weird evening.

20. If you could “Grudge Match” anyone on the planet to a game of 40K who would it be and why?
JM: George Lucas, So I could beat his ass for what he did to Starwars!
IS: Fox - for messing with Firefly

So there you have it, Jason and Steve from The Overlords stripped bare (so to speak)! If you would like to answer my twenty questions or have questions of your own leave a comment or email me personally at I'll bring you another victim next fortnight.

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