Tuesday 1 April 2014

20 Questions With… Felix Isatia

Every fortnight I will be contacting a member of the 40K community and ask them to be subjected to my 20 nail biting, edge of your seat questions. Some of the answers I get probe the deep dark recesses of the human condition whilst others will astonish you in their wisdom or lack thereof… 

So there is this crazy nut on the internet and he sent me the questions filled out. I’m obliged to post them on my blog as per my implied gentleman’s agreement… I’ve read his answers and now I think he’s kind of cool… He especially won me over with his love of the Dr Who Theme song!

He also writes: 

“I've been a tournament regular in the GC and Brisbane scene for about 2 years now though I have a bit of a reputation for having to pull out at the last minute and earning wooden spoons.

Most people in the scene would probably recognize me and I've been mentioned on Forging the Narrative Podcast two or three times (Once in recognition of my Tau Barracuda, another time because they forgot my name while doing the team shirts for our titans team and just called me Captain Steve.)

Aside from that there's not much more to know aside from the fact I have dozens of hobby projects on the go at once and I've played at least one game with all the "bigger" names at least once.

I'm sort of the resident average gamer in the tournament scene. Haha."

So here we have, 20 Questions With: Felix Isatia

1. What got you into the hobby?
Walking past the Games Workshop Battle Bunker in Parramatta, waaaaay back when it was still in the Westfield there.
My Grandmother eventually took me in there to cheer me up after getting some bad news when I was about nine. $400 later and I had the start of my first marine army.

2. Favourite army of all time? Do you currently pay it? If not why Not?
Tau. They came out after I originally started in the hobby and when they did, they hit me in all the right places.
I was still too young to buy enough models for an army at the time, so I used to beg the GW employees to use their store's Tau army every time I went in.
To this day, they are still my main army, though I have yet to get the army fully painted, I run them exclusively at tournaments.

3. Favourite 40k fluff and why?
Honestly, the part that intrigues me most is the hints of stuff that hasn't come to pass yet.
I love reading about the theories as to the final days to come and the return of the Emperor and his Primarchs.

4. Favourite 40K quote?
"The one constant in the universe is change. The wise adapt."

5. If you could invite any character from 40K fluff to dinner who would it be? And what would you serve him/her for dinner?
Farsight. I'd serve him Katsu Don [A popular Japanese food, a bowl of rice topped with a deep-fried pork cutlet, egg, and condiments].

6. Favourite film?
Tough one, probably Blade Runner.

7. Favourite TV series?
BSG and/or Steins;Gate

8. If your life was a movie, who'd play you?
Michael Cera (Scott Pilgrim vs The World is essentially my teenage years as a film.)

9. Favourite comic book superhero?
Claudio Kilgannon (Amory Wars)

10. If you could live in any period of human history when would it be and why?
Definitely the future. Something like later era Star Trek would be perfect.

11. If you could use any 40k Universal Special Rules or Codex Special Rule in day to day life what would it be? Why?
It Will Not Die... :P

12. Biggest 40K regret?
Not spending more time years and years ago actually developing hobby skills and good habits.
Too many unpainted and mould line riddled models in my collection.

13. Strangest “food” you’ve eaten?
Can't remember the name, but it was a Vegan dish. It scared me when I liked it.

14. Fantasy job for a day?
Air Combat Officer

15. Top 5 favourite songs?
Sentry the Defiant and all of Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV (Coheed and Cambria). Before my Body is Dry, D.O.A and the Doctor Who theme.

16. If $1million mysteriously turned up in your bank account, what would you spend it on?
Investment Properties. Gotta’ get some of those assets!

17. If you were offered a place amongst the 1st humans to colonize Mars, would you accept it?

18. If you could, what would be the one thing in the hobby you would get rid of?
The constant moaning.

19. Most Epic 40k moment?
A single Shas'ui winning combat against Genestealers three turns in a row, only to be crushed under a mawlock in retaliation..

20. If you could “Grudge Match” anyone on the planet to a game of 40K who would it be and why? 
Matt Ward. I want to see if he really is the hobby Satan everyone says he is.

So there you have it, Felix Isatia in a nut shell! If you would like to answer my twenty questions or have questions of your own leave a comment or email me personally at impguard2012@gmail.com. I'll bring you another victim next fortnight.

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