Thursday 13 March 2014

The pursuit of individuality…

I’m always on the lookout for the non-conventional. It’s the same when it comes to the hobby. So one evening when I was perusing the Book of Faces I came across images of beautiful hot rods and other custom cars. Several of these bespoke vehicles had, what I’ve always called them, chameleon paint jobs, basically two tone colour shift pearlescence to their paint job (if that mouth full can be called basic). And I said to myself; “Self, I would love to paint my Stormraven like that!” so began (and continues) my search of individuality.

So far here is what I’ve found (purely research online and at craft shops):

Iridescent/Pearlescent mediums: This does not give me the “colour shift” effect that I’m looking for, but it is an acceptable compromise. As it’s slightly whitish I feel it would alter/tint the colour of the paint that it is added to. I will need to get some and experiment with it to see how much it would alter the colours, but unfortunately I have only seen this brand in my local craft shop and it’s not cheap. A cheaper alternative is pearlescent white acrylic paint, it’s about a quarter of the price but the added white pigment will definitely tint my colours.

Auto Paint: I’ve ruled this one out as too expensive and possibly not conducive to retaining detail on 28mm models. Also I can imagine that it would eat plastic.

Pearlescent Pigment: I’ve only seen these on the internet and they range from Pigments for cake decorating and figure nail art to automotive paint and plastic moulding colorants. Traditionally they are a dry powder that is added to a substrate or medium. I think these would have the best chance of working for me, but would definitely need to be applied with an air brush. This is definitely an avenue I will be perusing in the near future when other items have been cleared of my hobby table.

So in short this in not a new idea, but it is an uncommon one. I definitely will be looking at painting my Stormraven in some form of pearlescence but I will need to delve deeper into my research and conduct a few experiments before I settle on an approach that I’m confident will give me the best results. morsla from WargamerAU suggested this blog by Meg Maples that concerns this very same topic and it looks rather interesting!

Until next time if anyone has any ideas on achieving this look, please let me know so I can try it out!

Tuesday 11 March 2014

20 Questions with... Loopy

Every fortnight I will be contacting a member of the 40K community and ask them to be subjected to my 20 nail bitting, edge of your seat questions. Some of the answers I get probe the deep dark recesses of the human condition whilst others will astonish you in their wisdom or lack thereof…

During the week I contacted Adam Fasoldt, better known by Loopy on the IndependentCharacters forums to see if he was interested in being subjected to my '20 Questions with...' series. But first up I should introduced Adam a little. Adam is an interesting character who's vigorous hobbying has inspired me during the 2013 & 2014 Hobby Progress Challenges run by the Independent Characters podcast. Currently Adam is the poor sod who's looking after this year's challenge on the forums, and there is no better person to do it. He also runs a blog himself over at so check it out and you can also follow his progress during the 2014 Independent Characters' Hobby Progress Challenge here where he is painting up some beautiful Orange Sisters.

So without further ado here is a window into Loopy, aka Adam's mind:

1. What got you into the hobby?
I've always been a gamer. I started playing D&D when I was 13 and had a Storyteller series phase, an Amber diceless phase, a Palladium phase, two Battletech phases, and three Magic: the Gathering phases. As far as 40k goes, my friends and I had always been interested in it, but the cost was prohibitive. It wasn't until we were in our early 30s that we all realized that we had real jobs and could afford whatever game we wanted. One of my buddies suggested we start 40k and we've never forgiven him since.

2. Favourite army of all time? Do you currently pay it? If not why Not?
Orks, of course. Fun to collect. Fun and easy to convert. Anything goes as far as paint is concerned. They also have a very strong tactical depth which I appreciate. One of the most important things is that the army's mirth in carnage flies in the face of grimdark.

3. Favourite 40k fluff and why?
The story of Tuska from the Ork 4th edition codex. He is awesome. I want to make a Tuska Daemon army, but I'm too chicken right now.

4. Favourite 40K quote?
"Half-glimpsed shadows? Orks wearing camouflage? Do you take us for imbeciles? Orks are barbaric and entirely single-minded. Army dogma, which has served us well for ten thousand years, teaches us this. Greenskins come on in a great horde, they do not slink and sneak in the shade.
Guards! Take the prisoner to the holding cells to await execution for cowardice and incompetence."
- ProvostMajor Kyae, at the court-martial of Lt.Gordo

5. If you could invite any character from 40K fluff to dinner who would it be?
The Emperor.
And what would you serve him/her for dinner?
Kaldor Draigo

6. Favourite film?
Groundhog Day

7. Favourite TV series?
Doctor Who

8. If your life was a movie, who'd play you?
Jonah Hill

9. Favourite comic book superhero?

10. If you could live in any period of human history when would it be and why?
Interstellar colonization period. Because I can't imagine answering any other way.

11. If you could use any 40k Universal Special Rules or Codex Special Rule in day to day life what would it be? Why?
Feel No Pain. For doing really dumb stuff.

12. Biggest 40K regret?
Selling my Deathwing which were all old metal models with banners painted in a Dark Tower theme. A man in Canada has them. I plan on buying them back someday.

13. Strangest “food” you’ve eaten?
I'm a boring American; I don't eat strange food. I guess the weirdest thing was a whole lobster because I felt like I was really pulling apart an animal.

14. Fantasy job for a day?
The leader of an enhanced interrogation of Jervis Johnson.

15. Top 5 favourite songs?
Not in this order. Instead of being my current top 5, these have all been, at one stage in my life, my favourite song.
Foreigner - I've Been Waiting for a Girl Like You
"Weird Al" Yankovic - Nature Trail to Hell
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Jane's Addiction - Three Days
Loretta Lynn - Portland Oregon

16. If $1million mysteriously turned up in your bank account, what would you spend it on?
A new house and probably adopting a few kids.

17. If you were offered a place amongst the 1st humans to colonize Mars, would you accept it?
Without the slightest hesitation, though not without my wife.

18. If you could, what would be the one thing in the hobby you would improve upon?
A more concise and regular FAQ cycle.

I hope that's not a disappointment. I know a popular answer will be "negative jerks" or whatever, but I can deal with people. I consider myself good at working with people who are challenging to deal with on a social level.

19. Most Epic 40k moment?
It's hard to choose. I get very excited about every play. LOL. The most epic one of recent memory was when two squads of 10 Gretchin killed two Lictors in close combat and Deathleaper in Overwatch, all in the same game. They were invincible!

20. If you could “Grudge Match” anyone on the planet to a game of 40K who would it be and why?
A friendly and competitive game vs. Alex Fennel running a balanced list. Great attitude. Great competitor. Hilarious and irreverent paint jobs on his armies. Overall, this would be a great game. Though I'm not sure I'd call it a "Grudge" match.

If we were talking a true grudge match, I'd say Jervis Johnson. I'd love to break his spirit with some horrible monstrosity of a list to teach him a lesson about why FAQs are important.

So there you have it, Loopy in a nut shell! If you would like to answer my twenty questions or have questions of your own leave a comment or email me personally at I'll bring you another victim next fortnight.

Wednesday 5 March 2014

20 Questions With... Adam Nordberg

Every fortnight I will be showcasing a member of the global 40K community and ask them to be victim of my nail biting, edge of your seat “20 Questions With…” series. Some of the answers I get probe the deep dark recesses of the human condition whilst others will astonish you in their wisdom or lack thereof… So sit back and prepare to be enthralled.

And first up we have operator and co-owner of Alpha Hobbies, Adam Nordberg. Adam has been in the industry for many years. He was also the TO of the very first Tournament that I attended, being Winter Warfest in 2013. Since then I've attended a number of his events including Orktoberfest 2013 and the start of the Force Z tournaments in 2014.I would highly recommend attending any tournament run by Adam especially Force Z, also check out his online store, Alpha Hobbies, for some quality products.

And we cut to the main event:

1. What got you into the hobby?
The little grey and green army men at the age of about 6. First introduced to GW gaming by my younger brother in the mid 90s

2. Favourite army of all time? Do you currently pay it? If not why Not?
Space Wolves. Still play from time to time but it does lack some punch compared to newer codexes

3. Favourite 40k fluff and why?
Horus Heresy first 4 books. Classic stories of heroes and standing up for your principles, Loken and Garro.

4.Favourite 40K quote?
"We are mighty because we are right, Garviel. We are not right because we are mighty. Vile the hour when that reversal becomes our credo"

5. If you could invite any character from 40K fluff to dinner who would it be? And what would you serve him/her for dinner?
Loken, Cheeseburger

6. Favourite film?
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

7. Favourite TV series?
Probably Andromeda or BSG

8. If your life was a movie, who'd play you?
Tom Cruise

9. Favourite comic book superhero?

10. If you could live in any period of human history when would it be and why?
STNG era, a more enlightened age of humanity

11. If you could use any 40k Universal Special Rules or Codex Special Rule in day to day life what would it be? Why?
Feel No Pain, I'm sure it would help with my running

12. Biggest 40K regret?
Selling my metal Necrons

13. Strangest “food” you’ve eaten?
Some scary sushi crap

14. Fantasy job for a day?
Naval Aviator ;)

15. Top 5 favourite songs?
Horus Rising, False Gods, Galaxy in Flames, Vulkan Lives, Unremembered Empire :P

16. If $1million mysteriously turned up in your bank account, what would you spend it on?

17. If you were offered a place amongst the 1st humans to colonize Mars, would you accept it?

18. If you could, what would be the one thing in the hobby you would get rid of?
WAAC gamers

19. Most Epic 40k moment?
One of my gretchin taking out a terminator in CC in the heady days of 2nd edition.

20. If you could “Grudge Match” anyone on the planet to a game of 40K who would it be and why?
Jervis Johnson, would be interesting to play against one of the originals

So there you have it, Adam in a nut shell! If you would like to answer my twenty questions or have questions of your own leave a comment or email me personally at I'll bring you another victim next fortnight.

Monday 3 March 2014

Darling Downs Gamers' Club March 40K Meet

Every 1st Saturday of the month The Darling Downs Gamers' Club hold a club 40K tournament down at Battle Station Toowoomba. Variable point 3 round tournament using some form of comp. At the moment we are using the new Melbourne Comp system that is floating around the scene. Always a great day playing in a relaxed atmosphere at a friendly local gaming store. If you're in the area come on down or better yet hit up the Facebook page or for more information.

This month was a little on the quite side with only 4 players, including myself, turning up tho sling dice at one another.

We had Joe with the Khorne Daemon Army in one corner, Tim with Khorne/Nurgle Daemons in the another, Darren with a hefty Ork presence lingering around and my poor out matched Imperial Guard forces. Needless to say that both Daemon lists trounced me with fast moving Flesh Hounds of Khorne. I stood a fair chance against the Orks and narrowly carve out a win placing me in Third place for the day.

Orks and Guard, let’s see how long this battle plays out?

The two Deamon armies go head to head.

Orks prepare to swam over my Guard defences.

The Great Unclean One eyes off my poor Chimera.



And more Deamons!

Don’t forget a healthy splattering of 40k Khorne dogs.

Or this fiery demonic creature.