Wednesday 5 March 2014

20 Questions With... Adam Nordberg

Every fortnight I will be showcasing a member of the global 40K community and ask them to be victim of my nail biting, edge of your seat “20 Questions With…” series. Some of the answers I get probe the deep dark recesses of the human condition whilst others will astonish you in their wisdom or lack thereof… So sit back and prepare to be enthralled.

And first up we have operator and co-owner of Alpha Hobbies, Adam Nordberg. Adam has been in the industry for many years. He was also the TO of the very first Tournament that I attended, being Winter Warfest in 2013. Since then I've attended a number of his events including Orktoberfest 2013 and the start of the Force Z tournaments in 2014.I would highly recommend attending any tournament run by Adam especially Force Z, also check out his online store, Alpha Hobbies, for some quality products.

And we cut to the main event:

1. What got you into the hobby?
The little grey and green army men at the age of about 6. First introduced to GW gaming by my younger brother in the mid 90s

2. Favourite army of all time? Do you currently pay it? If not why Not?
Space Wolves. Still play from time to time but it does lack some punch compared to newer codexes

3. Favourite 40k fluff and why?
Horus Heresy first 4 books. Classic stories of heroes and standing up for your principles, Loken and Garro.

4.Favourite 40K quote?
"We are mighty because we are right, Garviel. We are not right because we are mighty. Vile the hour when that reversal becomes our credo"

5. If you could invite any character from 40K fluff to dinner who would it be? And what would you serve him/her for dinner?
Loken, Cheeseburger

6. Favourite film?
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back

7. Favourite TV series?
Probably Andromeda or BSG

8. If your life was a movie, who'd play you?
Tom Cruise

9. Favourite comic book superhero?

10. If you could live in any period of human history when would it be and why?
STNG era, a more enlightened age of humanity

11. If you could use any 40k Universal Special Rules or Codex Special Rule in day to day life what would it be? Why?
Feel No Pain, I'm sure it would help with my running

12. Biggest 40K regret?
Selling my metal Necrons

13. Strangest “food” you’ve eaten?
Some scary sushi crap

14. Fantasy job for a day?
Naval Aviator ;)

15. Top 5 favourite songs?
Horus Rising, False Gods, Galaxy in Flames, Vulkan Lives, Unremembered Empire :P

16. If $1million mysteriously turned up in your bank account, what would you spend it on?

17. If you were offered a place amongst the 1st humans to colonize Mars, would you accept it?

18. If you could, what would be the one thing in the hobby you would get rid of?
WAAC gamers

19. Most Epic 40k moment?
One of my gretchin taking out a terminator in CC in the heady days of 2nd edition.

20. If you could “Grudge Match” anyone on the planet to a game of 40K who would it be and why?
Jervis Johnson, would be interesting to play against one of the originals

So there you have it, Adam in a nut shell! If you would like to answer my twenty questions or have questions of your own leave a comment or email me personally at I'll bring you another victim next fortnight.

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