Thursday 16 January 2014

DIGITAL!!! It’s end of days for us all…

I’ll start by making an outlandish, broad sweeping statement:


Obviously I don’t hate all digital products or I wouldn’t be here blogging. But the insistence of a certain unmentioned model company to release digital only content has left a bad taste in my mouth.

Although I’d like to own one day, I currently do not have an iPad or any other tablet like device at my disposal (apart from my iPhone which does not support the unmentioned company’s digital products). So every time I see a new digital supplement or any other digital flim flam I get all riled up because I can’t see it as I don’t have a digital device.

I get the line “just download it on your desktop”. Ok I get this; it’s an option available to me. But let’s think this one through. I get all excited and download a copy of, let’s say Codex: Adepta Sororitas (eBook Edition) for $39.99, on to my computer. I read it, I love it and I start a sister’s army. So far this is all fine and dandy.

But wait, here’s the bit that sticks with me: I go to a tournament; they tell you that you need to bring your codex. Do I bring my desktop computer to the event and set it up in the corner just in case someone has a question about my army. Hardly feasible. Someone else will have it on a tablet at the event. Maybe you’re right, but will someone hand over their $800 iPad to a complete stranger, I probably wouldn’t. Print it out, it’s a PDF. Not having purchased one of these digital products I can’t say if it is a PDF, but if so I would imagine they have some sort of lock on printing a hard copy, and yes you can get around those but do you want to lug 50, 60, 70 loose pages around with you? For me without a tablet digital products loose there attraction pretty fast.

So now I’ve had my rant I’m going to do a back flip: The digital direction that the afore unmentionable model company has gone down is great. I think their interactive iPad editions are pretty sweet, and make learning the game a little easier with the USR popups though out the codex/supplement, but these only work on Apple products. The number of products you can squeeze on to a tablet is amazing and if you have the iPad versions they automagically update for you too, no need for pesky FAQs.

At the end of the day digital is here and it isn’t shy about it. It’s a massive step forward in consumer environment where everything is going digital, and I should know I work for a newspaper company. So do I really hate digital? No not really. Will it be the end of us all? Well with increased power consumption and global warming… I’m just kidding, no it won’t be. I’m just jealous that I’m too poor to afford an iPad that’s all… (I did mention I work for a newspaper company right? We get paid peanuts!)

So go buy digital, frolic in all those ones and zeroes while you can and pray to the God Emperor (or Chaos power, which ever you prefer) that there isn’t any major solar flares that wipe out all electronics on earth!

Let me know what you think, am I just crazy? (Yeah I knew that already) Or do others out there think as I do?

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